Minutes of February 6, 2016

Regular meeting of the Nuevo Santander Genealogy Society was held in the Classroom Building of the Zapata County Museum of History on Saturday, February 6, 2016.  The meeting was called to order at approximately 2:17 p.m. by President Dr. Hildegardo E. Flores.  Minutes and secretary’s report were approved as read by Maria C. Villarreal, Secretary, First Motion Mr. Gilberto Gamez / Second Mr. Fernando Flores.  Treasurer’s report was submitted by Guadalupe J. Villarreal, Jr., Treasurer, and was approved as presented, First Motion Dr. Del Shumway/ Second Mr. Gamez.

Committee Reports were presented as follows:

  • Mr. Anselmo Trevino, Jr., Membership Chairman, reminded members to renew their memberships for the year 2016.  
  • Dr. Hildegardo E. Flores in the absence of Mr. Jorge Montes, III reported and updated the group on the publication of the journal and what it consist of.  Dr. Hildegardo E. Flores also, explained the meaning of the Nuevo Santander Genealogy Society.
  • Mrs. Amparo Montes-Gutierrez followed with updates on programs and hospitality reports asking for suggestions and volunteers for future presenters at upcoming meetings.
  • Dr. Hildegardo E. Flores presented Mr. Anselmo Trevino, Jr., speaker of the day, with a Certificate and gift in appreciation for his presentation.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.                                                                                                                

The speaker for February was Mr. Anselmo Treviño, a retired educator who worked his way up the career ladder starting as janitor’s assistant all the way to Director to Special Education.  Anselmo received his Bachelor's and Master’s degrees from Texas A&I University. During his lifetime he has worked in a variety of jobs from cotton picker, dishwasher, delivery boy, to his current interests as a co-owner of Physician Consulting Group of South Texas. He is a member of several local organizations and is a board member of several groups including the Zapata County Museum of History, Zapata National Bank, and Zapata County Independent School District.  Anselmo's hobbies include collecting Native American artifacts, school and county artifacts, old mesquite doors, gas lamps, carved sandstone, etc. for his private family museum.  Anselmo is proud that his family has lived here in Zapata since 1767.  Mr. Trevino’s topic consisted of “Personalized Medicine thru DNA Testing.”


Meeting adjourned promptly at 3:21 p.m.
Next meeting:  Saturday April 2, 2016                                                                                            


Respectfully submitted:
Maria C. Villarreal, Secretary

March 5, 2016