Nuevo Santander Genealogical Society
La Sociedad Genealógica Del Nuevo Santander

Regular Meeting

Saturday, April 2, 2016
2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.
Zapata County Museum of History, Classroom Building 
805 N US Hwy 83, Zapata, TX 78076
P:(956) 765-8983 • F:(956) 765-8319


1. Call meeting to order - Dr. Hildegardo E. Flores, Pres.
2. Reading of the Minutes - María C. Villarreal, Sec.
3. Treasury Report - Guadalupe J. Villarreal, Jr., Treas.
4. Committee Reports:

A. Membership - Anselmo Treviño, Jr.
B. Budget/Fundraising - Guadalupe J. Villarreal, Jr.
C. Publications/Editor - Jorge Montes, III
D. Programs/Hospitality - Amparo Montes-Gutiérrez

5. Order of Business: Discussion and Possible Action    
6. Adjournment


This month’s presenter will be Alfredo E. Cárdenas from San Diego, Texas. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the St. Mary’s University in San Antonio. He served as director of community and economic development for Duval County before founding and publishing Duval County Picture, a weekly newspaper in San Diego. He also served as mayor of San Diego for two terms, from 1992 to 1999. Cárdenas is the author of Balo’s War, a book that uses a variety of characters, real and imagined, to tell the story of a people who went from being Spaniard to Mexican to American in a short span of thirty years. They struggled to hold on to their land, their language, their culture, and their history- against insurmountable odds. At times this struggle resorted to violence. 


Next meeting:  Saturday, May 7, 2016, at 2:00 P.M.